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FRAG Pro Shooter - 1.7.7 Patch Notes

Writer: KandlyKandly

Hello, Fraggers! 😊

We're thrilled to announce a brand-new update that brings 2021's second character, new events, balancing, and bug fixes, so let's jump right into it and reach for the stars! 🚀⭐


New Character → Stella

Stella is a Rare Digital Attack card that's particularly strong against Infantry targets.

She has really good stats and incredible mobility, because she can always hop on her broom and fly around the map! Your damage with Stella can vary depending on how you aim, but its potential is huge!

Don't forget to check out our content creators' channels for tips & tricks - you can find them here! ✨


Stella was urgently summoned to Queen Unicorn's court after her advisers realized that peace can no longer be kept in her absence. Only someone as powerful as the Queen herself could stand a chance of getting her back to Planet Twinkle... so they chose none other than the good witch Stella, her very own sister!

STATS (level 5)

Hitpoints → 226

Damage/Second → 57-105

Speed → 15.5 km/h

Speed while shooting → 11.6 km/h

Respawn Delay → 22 sec


Use your upgraded broom to shoot a large star that explodes on impact, splitting into smaller stars that also deal damage.

Ammo → 10

Reload Time → 1.1 s

Fire Rate → 50

Weapon Range → 18 m

Base Damage → 58.6

Sub projectile number → 3

(2nd) Base Damage → 22.0


Samantha who?! Jump on your broom to fly around the map as you please and shoot stars at your opponents!

Ability Cooldown → 15 s

Duration → 7 s

Flying Speed → 10.6 km/h

Radius → 3 m

Time interval between stars → 0.5 s

Base Damage → 65.9

FRAG Power → Ability duration increased by 4

As always, you'll be able to try out (and obtain!) the new character during 2 Random Draft events, each lasting for 3 days.

"Play with Stella" dates:

Friday, Jan 29 → Sunday, Jan 31 (included)

Friday, Feb 12 → Sunday, Feb 14 (included)

Don't forget that Stella is also available at Stage 35 in the Regular Season Pass!

Volume 2 Season 4 starts on January 28, 2021.

Stella will be released in chests on February 24, 2021.


New Cosmos Skin Event

Update 1.7.7 introduces 21 new Cosmos skins to the mix! 🌌

A new Cosmos event starts on February 4th and lasts for 21 days, so be sure not to be miss it, because we're all getting free Joker cards for Community milestones!


New Card Comeback Events

We started adapting older characters to the new meta!

This means that you can expect lots of balacing changes in the upcoming updates, because we all know some of our previous characters deserve some love! ❤️

To properly re-introduce them into the Frag Arena, we will hold an event for each buffed character!

These are very similar to the Random Draft events we run at launch, check them out! ↓

Lord VR → starts on February 1 → buffed in 1.7.7

Jab → starts on February 8 → buffed in 1.7.7

Scrapper → starts on February 15 → recently buffed

Ark-On → starts on February 22 → recently buffed

Jan 27: Based on your feedback, we've just released a patch lowering the required number of stars for receiving the grand prize, now basing its value on the card rarity itself:

  • 51 stars if Common

  • 56 stars if Rare

  • 61 stars if Epic

  • 66 stars if Legendary

👇Here are the buffs coming with 1.7.7!



Lord VR

  • HP +10%

  • Ability is working on allies now

  • 50% extra HP bonus during ability

  • Ability duration from 9 s to 11 s


  • HP +30%

  • Ability Shield's HP +30%

  • Main gun's damages +40%

  • Main gun's max range from 20 m to 30 m



  • Added bot farming protection for the Mystery Box event

  • Mystery Box score at the end of a battle will be reduced to 1 after too many bot/offline battles and reduced to zero if you keep playing against bots

  • Fixed various other exploits


Bug Fixes

  • Duality: 2v2 issues - Double stacking, UI Issues with Frag Power

  • Duality: AI can now stacks bounties itself

  • Duality: Fixed FX in marker mode when an enemy Duality is shooting at you

  • Krystal: Fixed a bug with camera field of view when using tactic map while using dive button on ability

  • Fixed a bug allowing users without pro season pass to get pro rewards when buying a season pass rank with diamonds

  • Fixed some rare cases where users would lose their VIP subscription status (please don't hesitate to contact customer support if you ever lose your subscription, we will restore it ASAP!)


That's it for this time, don't forget to join us on Discord & on social media!



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