Hello Fraggers & Happy New Year! ✨ We just released a quick update bringing lots of fixes & improvements! 🛠️ Check it out!

Started improving the Anti-cheat system, especially detecting "high damage cheats". Anti-cheat work will continue over the next weeks/months.
Implemented fixes for the "account cloning" exploits
Frag Powers
Increased the chances to get Frag Powers from "small chests" (like gold and silver chests)
Fixed an issue causing a few people to get more Frag Powers than they should from mission chests
Bug Fixes & Other Improvements
Fixed pop-ups sometimes shown while collecting Season Pass rewards (ex: new event pop-up)
More fixes for the bug where the user is stuck in the matchmaking screen: now the cancel button should work and the game will go back to main menu if a battle still does not start after a ~15 seconds timeout
Fixed minor UI issues in the Frag Tower Challenge event (when the event was finished)
Switched to a new Ads Framework, which should reduce the occurrences of the "video buffering" bug which some people often have when trying to view Ads
Fixed an issue where an Ad was shown for a chest bought with Diamonds
Fixed an issue where an Ad was shown if you sped up a chest with Diamonds
Fixed an issue causing 2 Ads to be shown instead of 1 when opening some chests/collecting some rewards
Updated the Facebook SDK to the latest version
That's it for this time, don't forget to join us on Discord & on social media!
Discord → https://discord.gg/fragproshooter
Facebook → https://facebook.com/FRAGTheGame
Twitter → https://twitter.com/FRAGProShooter
Instagram → https://instagram.com/stanohbibi
TikTok → http://vm.tiktok.com/PBtU4S