Hello there, Fraggers! 😊
A few days ago, we announced that a special Community challenge is on its way... now it's time to find out all about it!
Cake the Devs Challenge → 3-Round community event during which we need to perform actions in-game in order to reach the final goal of seeing the FRAG Pro Shooter Devs getting CAKED on camera! 🎂
After successfully completing each round, you'll also unlock lots of in-game goodies, like Frag Powers, Implants, Gold, and Diamonds! 💎
Your progress will be tracked below for the entire duration of the challenge.
Be sure to bookmark this page to get updates on the community progress, and to also get your rewards whenever a new round starts!
Happy FRAG Fest!
April 23 - April 28
Obtain 20.000.000 Community Score (Stars) within the Anniversary event
For successfully completing the 1st round, we're getting a new FRAG Power!
Open the link on your phone (at noon UTC) to claim your gift (and hurry up, because the link is only valid for 24 hours, so until April 30, at noon UTC) → http://bit.ly/CakeTheDevsRound1
April 29 - May 4
Perform 50.000.000 Frags using the first & latest characters: Jet, Dan, Amelie, Takeshi, Zap Girl, Darius
For successfully completing the 2nd round for the RARE Implant chest!
Open the link on your phone (at noon UTC) to claim your gift (and hurry up, because the link is only valid for 24 hours, so until May 6th, at noon UTC) → http://bit.ly/CakeTheDevsRound2
May 5 - May 10
Finish with 3-star battles 10,000,000!
For successfully completing the 3rd round for 2k Gold & 250 Diamonds!
Open the link on your phone (at noon UTC) to claim your gift (and hurry up, because the link is only valid for 24 hours, so until May 12th, at noon UTC) → http://bit.ly/CakeTheDevs3
You can also use the code in game: CakeTheDevs3
Do you know what that means FRAGgers?!
You've completed all 3 rounds to CAKE THE DEVS! 🎂
Keep an eye out, the YouTube video will be posted here, today!
Good luck and don't forget to join us on Discord & social media!
Discord → https://discord.gg/fragproshooter
Facebook → https://facebook.com/FRAGTheGame
Twitter → https://twitter.com/FRAGProShooter
Instagram → https://instagram.com/stanohbibi
TikTok → https://bit.ly/FRAG_TikTok